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7 Chakra Bracelet Set

7 Chakra Bracelet Set

Regular price $22.22 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.22 USD
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Listing is for eight (8) healing crystal bracelets.

This piece is handmade using natural crystal chips, including clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, green aventurine, white jade, citrine, tigers eye, & red jasper (top to bottom). This piece also includes seven (7) 18k gold plated chakra charms that correspond to each energy center.

(7th) The crown chakra (represented by clear quartz) vibrates white/purple. Found at the top of your head, it relates to your spiritual connection to self, the collective, & the Divine; plays major role in life's purpose.  

(6th) The third eye chakra (represented by amethyst) vibrates indigo. Found at the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows, it corresponds to your intuition/inner knowing, intellect, & imagination.

(5th) The throat chakra (represented by lapis lazuli) vibrates blue. Found at your throat/neck, it helps you speak your truth and surrender to Divine guidance. 

(4th) The heart chakra (represented by green aventurine) vibrates green/pink. Located at the center of your chest, bridging to the gap between your upper and lower chakras. It relates to unconditional love, compassion, & forgiveness.

(3rd) The solar plexus chakra (represented by citrine) vibrates yellow. Located just below your sternum, corresponding to your self-esteem, confidence, & boundaries. 

(2nd) The sacral chakra (represented by tigers eye) vibrates orange. Found below your belly button/hips, it is your source for sexual/creative energy, prosperity, personal power. Sexual organs are often closely related to this chakra. 

(1st) The root/base chakra (represented by red jasper) vibrates red/black. It is located at the base of your spine/tail bone. It relates to your sense of security & stability in the world; grounds you. 

I incorporated white jade into this piece to help enhance the energies. Also, for a little razzle dazzle! You can place this bracelet anywhere in the sequence. Because of its white color, it is heavily associated with the crown chakra, therefore heightening spiritual connection to the Divine. 


*All products are cleansed/charged with white sage & palo santo.

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